ࡱ>  {bjbj eeeN N $D5ZXXXXXXX$[q^nYYY=E=E=E"X=EX=E=ESTB&U<SXZ05ZS^D(^(TT^dW|=EYYE(5Z^N n:  CURRICULUM VITAE THOMAS O. MASON BORN: October 14, 1952 EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977. B.S. in Ceramic Science, Pennsylvania State University, 1974. POSITIONS: Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 1989-Present. Assistant Chairman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, 1987-1992. Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, 1983-1989. Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, 1978-1983. N.A.T.O. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hannover, Germany, 1977-1978. HONORS: Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence (2001-2004) James N. and Margie M. Krebs Professor (1996-1999) Elected to the International Academy of Ceramics (1999) NU Alumni Association: Excellence in Teaching Award (1995) American Ceramic Society: Outstanding Educator Award (2006); Richard M. Fulrath Pacific Award (1994); Elected a Fellow (1993); Schwartzwalder Professional Achievement in Ceramic Engineering Award (1991): Edward C. Henry Award (Electronics Div.), J. Am. Ceram. Soc. best paper (2006, 2009) Tau Beta Pi-Eminent Engineer (1990) Named a highly cited scientist by ISI Web of Knowledge (approximately 300 publications) ACTIVITIES: Participant in: Materials Research Center, Northwestern University Member of: American Ceramic Society (Vice President, 1995-96) Materials Research Society National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Ceramic Educational Council, Past President EDITORIAL DUTIES: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Reviewer Journal of Electroceramics, Editorial Advisory Board RESEARCH INTERESTS: electronic behavior of ceramics solid oxide fuel cell materials point defects in ceramics transparent conducting oxides energy ceramics photovoltaic materials impedance spectroscopy phase equilibria THOMAS O. MASON PUBLICATIONS 1. Compatibility Relations in the System SiO2-ZrO2-P2O5, T. O. Mason and F. A. Hummel, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 57 [12] 538-539 (1974). 2. Properties and Thermochemical Stability of Ceramics and Metals in the Open-Cycle, Coal Fired MHD Systems, T. O. Mason, W. T. Petuskey, W. W. Liang, J. W. Halloran, Yen, T. M. Polak, J. F. Elliott, and H. K. Bowen, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical power Generation, pp. 77-103, Washington D.C., June 9-13, 1975. 3. The Spinel Electrode Module, H. K. Bowen, T. O. Mason, R. L. Pober, M. Yoshimura, and T. Pollak, Proceedings of the Third U.S.-U.S.S.R. Colloquium on MHD Power Generation. Moscow, Oct. 21-22, 1976. 4. Defects and Cation Diffusion in Magnetite (III). Tracerdiffusion of Foreign Tracer Cations as a Function of Temperature and Oxygen Potential, R. Dieckmann, T. O. Mason, J. D. Hodge, and H. Schmalzried, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 82, 778-783 (1978). 5. Phase Equilibria in the System Fe-Al-O, C. E. Meyers, T. O. Mason, W. T. Petuskey, J. W. Halloran, and H. K. Bowen, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 63 [11-12] 659-663 (1980). 6. Cation Distribution and Defect Chemistry of Iron-Aluminate Spinels, T. O. Mason and H. K. Bowen, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 64 [2] 86-90 (1981). 7. Electronic Conduction and Thermopower of Magnetite and Iron-Aluminate Spinels, T. O. Mason and H. K. Bowen, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 64 [4] 237-242 (1981). 8. Thermopower Composition Dependence in Ferrospinels, C. C. Wu, S. Kumarakrishnan, and T. O. Mason, J. Solid State Chem., 37, 144-150 (1981). 9. Thermopower Measurement of Cation Distribution in Magnetite, C. C. Wu and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 64 [9] 520-522 (1981). 10. Kinetics of Dense Magnetite Formation During Oxidation of Wustite and Reduction of Hematite in CO/CO2-Gas Mixtures, R. Dieckmann, H. Schmalzried, and T. O. Mason, Arch. Eisenhuttenwes., 52 [6] 211-218 (1981). 11. Thermoelectric Study of Cobaltous Oxide Defect Structure, H. -C. Chen and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 64 [10] C-130-C-133 (1981). 12.  Reanalysis of Wustite Electrical Properties, E. Gartstein and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 65 [2] C24-C26 (1982). 13.  Conduction Mechanism Analysis for Fe1-O and Co1-O, H. -C. Chen, E. Gartstein, and T. O. Mason, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 43 [10] 991-995 (1982). 14. Measurement and Interpretation of Thermopower in Oxides, A. Trestman-Matts, S. E. Dorris, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 66 [8] 589-592 (1983). 15. Electrical Studies of Transition Metal Cation Distribution in Spinels, T. O. Mason, in 'Point Defects in Minerals,' Geophysical Monograph 31, Mineral Physics 1, Robert N. Schock (Ed.), American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., pp. 69-77 (1985). 16. Thermoelectric Determination of Cation Distributions in Fe3O4-Fe2TiO4, A. Trestman-Matts, S. E. Dorris, S. Kumarakrishnan, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 66 [12] 829-834 (1983). 17. Thermoelectric Determination of Cation Distributions in Fe3O4-MgFe2O4, A. Trestman-Matts, S. E. Dorris, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 67 [1] 69-74 (1984). 18. Defects and Cation Diffusion in Magnetite (V): Electrical Conduction, Cation Distribution and Point Defects in Fe3-O4, R. Dieckmann, C. A. Witt, and T. O. Mason, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 87 [6] 495-503 (1983). 19.  Cation Distribution in Transition Metal Oxide Spinels: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Considerations, S. E. Dorris, D. S. Erickson, and T. O. Mason, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 24, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 55-61 (1984). 20.  Analysis of the Mobility of the Electronic Defects in Co1-O, G. Petot-Ervas, P. Ochin, and T. O. Mason, in Proc. of Third Int'l. Conf. on Transport in Nonstoichiometric Compounds, (Penn. State Univ., PA, June 10-16, 1984), NATO Advanced Studies Institute, Series B: Physics, G. Simkivich and V. S. Stubican (Eds.), Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp. 61-71 (1985). 21. Nonstoichiometry, Cation Distribution, and Electrical Properties in Fe3O4-CoFe2O4 at High Temperature, D. S. Erickson and T. O. Mason, J. Solid State Chem., 59, 42-53 (1985). 22. Electrical Characterization of High Temperature Site Occupancies in Spinel Ferrites and Manganites, S. E. Dorris and T. O. Mason, in Proc. of Fourth Int'l. Conf. on Ferrites, Part I, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 1984; F. F. Y. Wang (Ed.), Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 15, Am. Ceram. Soc., Inc., Columbus, OH, pp. 325-329 (1985). 23. High-Temperature Cation Distributions in Fe3O4-FeAl2O4, T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 68 [3] C74-C75 (1985). 24. Cation Self-Diffusion in Disordered VOx, S. Kumarakrishnan, N. L. Peterson, and T. O. Mason, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 46 [9] 1007-1014 (1985). 25. Defect Agglomeration in Wustite at High-Temperatures--I. The Defect Arrangement, E. Gartstein, T. O. Mason, and J. B. Cohen, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 47 [8] 759-773 (1986). 26. Defect Agglomeration in Wustite at High Temperatures--II. An Electrical Conduction Model, E. Gartstein, J. B. Cohen, and T. O. Mason, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 47 [8] 775-781 (1986). 27. Electrical Properties and Defect Structures of CoO and MnO at High Defect Content, G. P. Sykora and T. O. Mason, in Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 60, Boston, MA, Dec. 1-4, 1985, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 243-249 (1986). 28. Cation Intersite Distributions in Iron-Bearing Minerals Via Electrical Conductivity/ Seebeck Effect, T. O. Mason, J. Phys. Chem. Minerals, 14, 156-162 (1987). 29. Electrical Properties and Site Distribution of Cations in (MnyCo1-y)0.4Fe2.6O4, D. C. Carter and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [4] 213-218 (1988). 30. Defect Studies Above 1 Atm Oxygen: NiO and CoO, G. P. Sykora and T. O. Mason, Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 23, 45-53 (1987). 31. The Agglomeration of Point Defects in Wustite at High Temperatures, E. Gartstein, T. O. Mason, and J. B. Cohen, Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 23, 699-710 (1987). 32. Defects and Cation Diffusion in Magnetite (VIII): Migration Enthalpies for Iron and Impurity Cations, R. Dieckmann, M. R. Hilton, and T. O. Mason, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 91, 59-66 (1987). 33. Electrical Properties and Cation Valencies in Mn3O4, S. E. Dorris and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [6] 379-385 (1988). 34. Subsolidus Compatibilities in the Y2O3-BaO-CuO System via Diamagnetic Susceptibility, S. -J. Hwu, S. N. Song, J. B. Ketterson, T. O. Mason, and K. R. Poeppelmeier, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 70 [7] C165-C167 (1987). 35. 950C Subsolidus Phase Diagram for Y2O3-BaO-CuO System in Air, G. Wang, S. -J. Hwu, S. N. Song, J. B. Ketterson, L. D. Marks, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and T. O. Mason, Adv. Ceram. Mater., 2 [3B] 313-326 (July 1987). 36. High Tc Superconductivity in Y-Ba-Cu-O System, S. N. Song, S. J. Hwu, F. L. Du, K. R. Poeppelmeier, T. O. Mason, and J. B. Ketterson, Adv. Ceram. Mater., 2 [3B] 480-491 (1987). 37. Magnetic Properties of the High Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O System, S. N. Song, S. J. Hwu, K. Poeppelmeier, T. O. Mason, and J. B. Ketterson, Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 26 [Supplement, 26-3] 1039-1040 (1987). 38. Electronic Behavior and Cationic Defects in Cubic Transition Metal Oxides, T. O. Mason, Physica B, 150, 37-43 (1988). 39. The Agglomeration of Point Defects in Transition Metal Monoxides, E. Gartstein, M. Radler, T. O. Mason, and J. B. Cohen, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 82, 65-72 (1987), Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA. 40. Solid State Phase Chemistry in the Superconducting Systems: Y-Ba-Cu-O and La-Sr-Cu-O, J. Hahn, T. O. Mason, S. -J. Hwu, and K. R. Poeppelmeier, Chemtronics, 2 [9] 126-129 (1987). 41. Copper Valence Via Small Polaron Analysis in Sinter-Forged YBa2Cu3O7-y at 700C, D. Ahuja, S. E. Dorris, M. -Y. Su, Q. Robinson, D. L. Johnson, and T. O. Mason, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 99, 467-470 (1988), Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA. 42. High Temperature Cation Distributions in Fe3O4-MgAl2O4-MgFe2O4-FeAl2O4 Spinels from Thermopower and Conductivity Measurements, J. Nell, B. J. Wood, and T. O. Mason, Am. Mineral, 74, 339-351 (1989). 43. Solid Phase Relations at 950C in La-Ba-Cu-O, D. Klibanow, K. Sujata, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [6] C267-C269 (1988). 44. Defect Model and Transport at High Temperature in YBa2Cu3O6+y, M. -Y. Su, S. E. Dorris, and T. O. Mason, J. Solid State Chem., 75, 381-389 (1988). 45. High Temperature Defect Structure and Transport in Rare Earth-Alkaline Earth-Copper Oxide Superconductors, Ceramic Superconductors II: Research Update, Man F. Yan, Ed., Am. Ceram. Soc., 99-114 (1988). 46. Point Defects and Transport in Small Polaron Systems, G. P. Sykora, M.-Y. Su, and T. O. Mason, Proc. NATO-ARW Non-Stoichiometric Compounds: Surfaces, Grain Boundaries and Structural Defects, J. Nowotny and W. Weppner, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publ., Boston, pp. 485-497 (1989). 47. Partial Bi-Sr-Cu-O Subsolidus Diagram at 800C with and without Lithium Carbonate, J. A. Saggio, K. Sujata, J. Hahn, S. J. Hwu, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72 [5] 849-53 (1989). 48. Jonker Pear Analysis of Oxide Superconductors, M. -Y. Su, C. E. Elsbernd, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [2] 415-19 (1990). 49. n-Type vs. p-Type Semiconduction at High Temperatures in Oxide Superconductors, M.-Y. Su, C. E. Elsbernd, and T. O. Mason, Physica C, 160, 114-118 (1989). 50. Jonker-type Analysis of Small Polaron Conductors, J. Nell, B. J. Wood, S. E. Dorris, and T. O. Mason, J. Solid State Chem., 82, 247-254 (1989). 51. Processing and Fabrication of YBa2Cu4O8 and YBa2Cu4O8/YBa2Cu3OxComposites, U. Balachandran, M. E. Biznek, K. C. Goretta, B. W. Veal, R. B. Poeppel, and T. O. Mason, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 169, 373-376 (1990). 52. Impedance Spectra of Hydrating Cement Pastes, C. A. Scuderi, T. O. Mason, and H.M. Jennings, J. Mat. Sci., 26, 349-353 (1991). 53. Impedance Spectra During Solid-State Powder Reactions of Oxide Superconductors, E. A. Cooper, T. O. Mason, M. E. Biznek, and U. Balachandran, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [1] 154-7 (1990). 54. High-Temperature Defect Structure of Lanthanum Cupate, M.-Y. Su, E. A. Cooper, C. E. Elsbernd, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [11] 3453-56 (1990). 55. 1000C Phase Relations and Superconductivity in the (Nd-Ce-Cu)-O Ternary, C. N. Pieczulewski, K. S. Kirkpatrick, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [7] 2141-43 (1990). 56. Phase Composition and Compatibilities in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Quaternary Oxide System at 800C in Air, B. -S. Hong, J. Hahn, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [7] 1965-72 (1990). 57. Phase Equilibria, Defect Chemistry, and High Temperature Electrical Properties in the System Nd-Ce-Cu-O, C. N. Pieczulewski, M. Atristain, M.-Y. Su, and T. O. Mason, in Ceramic Transactions: Ceramic Superconductors, Vol. 13, K. M. Nair and E. A. Giess, Eds., American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, pp. 99-114 (1990). 58. High Tc Oxide Solid State Reaction Kinetics via Complex Impedance Spectroscopy, E. A. Cooper, T. O. Mason, U. Balachandran, and M. L. Kullberg, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 169, Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, pp. 265-268 (1990). 59. Phase Composition and Compatibilities at 930-950C in the System Eu2O3-BaO-CuO in Air, C. N. Pieczulewski, M. McAdams, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [10] 3088-90 (1990). 60. Characterization of YBa2Cu4O8 High Temperature Electrical Properties and Thermodynamic Stability, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, J. Mater. Res., 6 [10] 2054-58 (1991). 61. Degradation of Properties of YBa2Cu3Ox Superconductors Sintered in CO2-Containing Atmosphere, U. Balachandran, C. Zhang, D. Xu, Y. Gao, K. L. Merkle, J. N. Mundy, B. W. Veal, R. B. Poeppel, G. Selvaduray, and T. O. Mason, Proc. Fourth Ann. Conf. on Superconductivity and Applications, Buffalo, NY, Sept. 1990. 62. CO2 Decomposition Kinetics of YBa2Cu3O7-x via In-Situ Electrical Conductivity Measurements, E. A. Cooper, A. K. Gangopadhyay, T. O. Mason, and U. Balachandran, J. Mat. Res., 6 [7] 1393-97 (1991). 63. Defect Chemistry of High Tc Superconducting Cuprates, T. O. Mason, in Ceramic Materials for Electronics, J. Nowotny, Ed., Trans Tech Publishing, pp. 503-36 (1991). 64. Solid Solution and Defect Behavior in High Tc Oxides, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, in Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 18, Edited by K. M. Nair, U. Balachandran, Y. -M. Chiang, and A. S. Bhalla, American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, pp. 95-106 (1991). 65. 6.5.2 Electrical Conductivity in Iron-Bearing Minerals and Materials, T. O. Mason, in Higher Mineralogy, A. S. Marfunin, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 395-399. 66. Nonstoichiometry, Electrical Properties, and Cation Diffusion in Highly Nonstoichiometric Co1-xO. I. Experimental, K. L. Persels, T. O. Mason, S. J. Rothman, and J. L. Routbort, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 53 [3] 405-411 (1992). 67. Nonstoichiometry, Electrical Properties, and Cation Diffusion in Highly Nonstoichiometric Co1-xO. II. Modelling the Defect Structure, K. L. Persels, T. O. Mason, and J. L. Routbort, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 53 [3] 413-18 (1992). 68. High Temperature Electronic Conduction Mechanisms in YBa2Cu4O8, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, Solid State Ionics, 49, 3-7 (1991). 69. Solid Solution Ranges of the n=2 and n=3 Superconductivity Phases in Bi2(SrxCa1-x)n+1CunOy and the Effect on Tc, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 74 [5] 1045-52 (1991). 70. The Defect Structure of Mn1-xO, M. J. Radler, J. B. Cohen, G. P. Sykora, T. O. Mason, D. E. Ellis, and J. Faber, Jr., J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 53 [1] 141-154 (1991). 71. Comment on On the Use of Oxides for Thermoelectric Refrigeration, T. O. Mason. Mat. Sci. & Eng. B., 10, 257-60 (1991). 72. Solubility of Ag in YBa2Cu3O6+y and Its Effect on Superconducting Properties, A K. Gangopadhyay, and T. O. Mason, Physica C, 178, 64-70 (1991). 73.  Effect of Silver Solubility on Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of YBa2Cu3-xAgxO7- Superconductors, J. Joo, J. P. Singh, R. B. Poeppel, A. K. Gangopadhyay, and T. O. Mason, J. Appl. Phys., 71 [5] 2351-55 (1992). 74. Processing Kinetics and Grain Boundary Electrical Properties of Electroceramics via Impedance Spectroscopy, E. A. Cooper, K. S. Kirkpatrick, B. J. Christensen, B.-S. Hong, and T. O. Mason, in Grain Boundary Controlled Properties of Fine Ceramics, K. Ishizaki, K. Niihari, M. Isotani and R. Ford, Eds., Elsevier Press, London, pp. 3-12 (1992). 75. A Computer Simulation of Impedance Spectroscopy in Two Dimensions: Application to Cement Paste, R. T. Coverdale, E. J. Garboczi, H. M. Jennings, B. J. Christensen, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 [6] 1513-1520 (1993). 76. Experimental and Computer Simulation Results for the Electrical Conductivity of Portland and Cement Paste, B. J. Christensen, T. O. Mason, H. M. Jennings, D. P. Bentz, and E. J. Garboczi, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 245, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 259-64 (1992). 77. Impedance Spectroscopy and the Role of Admixtures in the Hydration of Portland Cement Pastes, B. J. Christensen, T. O. Mason, H. M. Jennings, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 245, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 271-76 (1992). 78. High Temperature Electrical Characterization of the Bi2.1Sr1.9(Ca1-xYx)Cu2Oy Superconducting Phase, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, in Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 24, T. O. Mason and J. L. Routbort, Eds., American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, pp. 293-301 (1991). 79. Defect Structure Studies in Highly Nonstoichiometric Co1-xO, K.L. Persels, T.O. Mason, and J.L. Routbort, in Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 24, T.O. Mason and J. L. Routbort, Eds., American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, pp. 31-40 (1991). 80. Kinetics of Cation Redistribution in Ferrospinels, K. Sujata and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 75 [3] 557-62 (1992). 81. Influence of Silica Fume on the Early Hydration of Portland Cements Using Impedance Spectroscopy, B. J. Christensen, T. O. Mason, and H. J. Jennings, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 75 [4] 939-45 (1992). 82. High Temperature Electrical Properties of the Bi2.1Sr1.9(Ca1-xYx)Cu2Oy Solid Solution, B. -S. Hong and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 [3] 635-40 (1993). 83. Impedance Spectroscopy Study of Sintering in Bi-Doped ZnO, K. S. Kirkpatrick, T. O. Mason, U. Balachandran, and R. B. Poeppel, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [6] 1493-98 (1994). 84. Deposition and Properties of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films Using Reactive D.C. Magnetron Sputtering, E. S. Thiele, L. S. Wang, T. O. Mason, and S. A. Barnett, J. Vac. Sci. Tech A, 9 [6] 3054-60 (1991). 85. Bulk Processing of the (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy Superconducting Oxide by Orthogonal Array, B. -S. Hong, T. O. Mason, C. K. Chiang, S. W. Freiman, and N. M. Hwang, Appl. Supercond., 1 [1/2] 109-19 (1993). 86. Research Needs and Opportunities in Highly Conducting Electroceramics, W. J. Weber, H. L. Tuller, T. O. Mason, and A. N. Cormack, Mat. Sci. & Eng. B, 18, 52-71 (1993). 87. Microchemistry of ZnO Varistors, K. K. Soni, J. -H. Hwang, V. P. Dravid, T. O. Mason, and R. Levi-Setti, Proc. 50th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 1694-1695. 88. Microanalytical Determination of ZnO Solidus and Liquidus Boundaries in the ZnO-Bi2O3 System, J. -H. Hwang, T. O. Mason, and V. P. Dravid, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [6] 1499-504 (1994). 89. Point Defect Modeling of La2CuO4-Based Superconductors, L. Shen, P. A. Salvador, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [1] 81-88 (1994). 90. High-Temperature Electrical Characterization of Ga-Based Layered Cuprates, G. W. Tomlins, N. -L. Jeon, T. O. Mason, D. A. Groenke, J. T. Vaughey, and K. R. Poeppelmeier, J. Solid State Chem., 109, 338-344 (1994). 91. Innovations in Ceramic Education, T. O. Mason and S. Martin, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 72 [2] 89 (1993). 92. The Changing Face of Undergraduate Ceramic Education: Part I, T. O. Mason, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 77 [9] 103-104 (1993). 93. Impedance Spectroscopy of Hydrating Cement-Based Materials: Measurement, Interpretation, and Application, B. J. Christensen, R. T. Coverdale, R. A. Olson, S. J. Ford, E. J. Garboczi, H. M. Jennings, and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [11] 2789-2804 (1994). 94. Mechanism of La2CuO4 Solid State Powder Reaction by Quantitative XRD and Impedance Spectroscopy, E. A. Cooper and T. O. Mason, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 [4] 857-64 (1995). 95. Interpretation of Impedance Spectroscopy of Cement Paste Via Computer Modelling - Part I: Bulk Conductivity and Offset Resistance, R. T. Coverdale, B. J. Christensen, H. M. Jennings, T. O. Mason, D. P. Bentz, and E. J. Garboczi, J. Mater. Sci., 30, 712-719 (1995). 96. Interpretation of the Impedance Spectroscopy of Cement Paste Via Computer Modelling - Part II: Dielectric Response, R. T. Coverdale, B. J. Christensen, T. O. Mason, H. M. Jennings, and E. J. Garboczi, J. Mater. Sci., 29, 4984-4992 (1994). 97. A new series of layered cuprates (ACuO2.5)2(ATiO3)m ; Dy2Ba2Ca2Ti4O17, m = 4, K. D. Otzschi, K. R. Poeppelmeier, P. Salvador, T. O. Mason, H. Zhang, and L. D. Marks, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118 [37] 8951-8952 (1996). 98. Equilibrium Electrical Property Measurements in Electroceramics, B. -S. Hong, S. J. Ford, and T. O. Mason, in Electrical Properties of Oxide Materials, J. Nowotny and C. C. Sorrell, Ed., Key Engineering Materials [125-126], Trans Tech Publications, pp. 163-186 (1997). 99. Cluster Models for Point Defect Structure in La2CuO4+, Y. Wu, D. E. Ellis, and T. O. Mason, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 341, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 201-207 (1994). 100.  Electrode Configurations and Impedance Spectra of Cement Pastes, S. J. Ford, T. O. Mason, B. J. Christensen, R. T. Coverdale, H. M. Jennings, and E. J. Garboczi, J. Mater. Sci., 30, 1217-1224 (1995). 101. Nanophase Ni Particles Produced by a Blown Arc Method, M. H. Teng, J. J. Host, J. -H. Hwang, B. R. 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Asymmetric Cation Nonstoichiometry in Spinels: Site occupancy in Co2ZnO4 and Rh2ZnO4, T.R. Paudel, S. Lany, M. dAvezac, A. Zunger, N. H. Perry, R. N. Arpun, T. O. Mason, J.S. Bettinger, Y. Shi, and M. Toney, Phys. Rev. B, 84 (6) Art. No. 064109 (2011). 273. Inverse design approach to hole doping in ternary oxides: Enhancing p-type conductivity in cobalt oxide spinels, J. D. Perkins, T. R. Paudel, A. Zakutayev, P. F. Ndione, P. A. Parilla, D. L. Young, S. Lany, D. S. Ginley, A. Zunger, N. H. Perry, Y. Tang, M. Grayson, T. O. Mason, J. S. Bettinger, Y. Shi, and M. F. Toney, Phys. Rev. B, 84 (20) Art. No. 205207 (2011). 274. Electrical and band-gap properties of amorphous zinc-indium-tin oxide thin films, D.B. Buchholz, D.E. Proffit, M.D. Wisser, T.O. Mason, and R.P.H. Chang, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International, 22 (1), 1-6 (2012). 275. Band or Polaron: The Hole Conduction Mechanism in the p-Type Spinel Rh2ZnO4, A.R. Nagaraja, N.H. Perry, T.O. Mason, Y. Tang, M. 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Structural anisotropy in amorphous SnO2 film probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, LM W x 56:;=>?@asuwӽӱӚӚӐӐӅ||||wr h85 h86 h8H*h8h856CJaJhhSOJQJ^Jh86OJQJ^Jh!CJOJQJ^Jh8CJOJQJ^Jh8CJOJQJ^JhkOJQJ^Jh8OJQJ^Jh85OJQJ\^Jh8CJOJQJ^Jh86CJ$aJ$,LMXk > B u 0d]0`00d]0^`00d]0 H0d]0$0]0a$ - 0XT$a$ 0d]0` 0d]0`0]00d]000d]0^`0~gCDlnjl ddwkhOabce-./129:y 02486:>3457h/012569: h8H* h8\ h85 h8] h86 h8>*h8XlMNXY ""##$$\%]%%%%& d[$\$d/ABCE f 6 F!L!!"$#%#&#'#,#-#.#/#e#z#{#|#~##$$L$$$%%%%%% %!%1%C%E%G%%%%%%%%x&&&&&5'J'K'L'N'''(((((L)M)O)R)S)V)X)[)\)]) h8\ h8>* h85 h8] h86 h8H*h8X&&c'd'(a(b() ))),*-****++$,%,,,--..V/W///d])~))))))*********o++++++++++ , , ,,N,O,P,Q,,,,,,(-)-*-+------g.y.{.|.../,/-/./0//////U0o0v0x0N1Y1[1\1111111242:2<2222222 h8>* h8H* h86] h85 h8] h86h8W/00q1r1{2|2I3J33o4p4D5E5`6a67787777j8k899999m:n:d22222222222(333537333333444444E4Y4Z4[4]44555 6 77 7!7#777777J8S8T8X888888*9+9-9.9/9098999;9<9=9>9B9C9E9F9G9H99999K:W:X:Y:[:;;;;;;;;; h8>* h8] h85 h86 h8H*h8Zn:,;-;;;;<<A=B=>>??@@A@@@,B-BCC]CCCDDVEWE>Fd;;;Z<l<m<n<p<<<=(=)=*=,==>>>"?*mHsH h8H* h8>* h85 h8] h86 h8H*h8QEEF%F&F'F)FFFFGGGGhGiGkGlGmGnGGGGGGHHHHH H HHHHHH(H)HJH\H^HaHHHHHH I IIII|IIIIIIIIIIII@JRJVJ\J^J2K4K8K>KBKDKFKLKLLLLLL&MHNZN h8>*hnr h8\ h85 h8] h86h8 h8H*V>F?F)G*GGGGwHxH#I$III|J~J,K)L*LMMuNvNOOPPQQ d[$\$dZN[N\N^N9OSOZO]O4PNPUPXPPPPPPPPPPPPP0QDQKQMQQQ*R>RERGRSSSSSSSSS7T:T* h85h8 h8]VQoRRR-S.SSTTTTZU[U5V6VWWWWXXX*YBYCYYYZdWW)XpXXXXXY(Y*Y,YdYeYhYiYYYYYYZZZZZ[[[w[[[[\\\\\\\\\<]N]O]P]R]T^a^d^f^g^J_Y_Z_\______________________`.`0`3`4`J` h86H* h85 h8] h86 h8H* h8>*h8 h8\RZZ#[$[[[[\\f]g]x^y^p_q_K`L`aaba"c$cbdcd9e:ee5f6fd d[$\$J`K```aabbVbbbbb*h8 h8CJR6fffgghhhiijjkkllmmnnppqqqq s"s!d`!ddh i#i%i&i)i,iiiiijjjj kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllmmmmnnnnn#oopppppqq"q$qqqqqqqrrVrrrrrt-t.t/t2tuuuuuuuu h8\ h8>* h8]h86mHsHh8mHsH h85 h86 h8H*h8Q"sFtGt-u.uuu5w6wxx5y6yz zzz{{||}}~~kl45dduuvv4w5wwxxxxxxxxyz z zzzzzz{{{{{{{ | ||||||||}}~~~~~~?UWY !#34ـ !"#&'()btuxÁƁǁȁɁ́΁hlg h8H* h8] h86 h8>* h86]h8 h85U5DE89DEӄԄʅ˅stJK߈d,.012Ȃ)*+.j3:=!58ʈˈ̈ψЈ4567ÉՉ։׉ىډӊڊ݊/012kwxyz} h856 h8H* h85\ h86] h8CJ h8>*h8 h8\ h85 h8] h86L./WXqrpqܕݕ}o"8;=@BDEHÎ׎؎َ܎2BCDE̐͐ΐѐ !&'()5TْܒޒCZ[\_`ؓ& h8>* h86H* h8H* h8\ h85 h8] h86h8UǕȕʕ˕htuvxy  !%l~7EFGI !()*+&'ɠ۠ܠ h86] h856 h8H* h8>* h8\ h85h8 h8] h86Rɘʘřƙ]^67@A:;'(CDܠݠx*+,.')02@PQRU+,-0 ƨҨӨԨ֨=LNPGHy|}~#,.2 h8CJh85\] h85\ h8H* h8H* h8] h86 h85h8QijEF#$ef'(٫IJCD ) p@ P !gdlg "$,FLPRV\`fhp` }N`abe[ikn h8\ h8>* h85\ h8H* h85h8 h8] h86TTU()z{ST & p@ P ! ) p@ P !n-:<>vy{ºĺƺ 7@RSTW(*+ȿ 2CEG>RTWUace1CEH h8] h86 h85\ h8H* h85 h86]h8V׺omn=>,-[\_`lmuv\]  ) p@ P ! ) p@ P ![$\$ p_oqt )+-s3DFGHI '(k{}dwy{l8h86B*]phh8B*ph h80J h8H* h85 h8H* h85\h8 h86]NAB[\-. ) p@ P !]^89z{gh ) p@ P ![$\$ ) p@ P ![$\$8HJL!#789uwQRS[]^vP`bez{AQSUf+568:Jƾ hw6 h85h85B*\phh8B*phh86B*]ph h8H* hw6] h85] h86 h8] h85\h8 h86]AhKLYZ" ] 7$8$H$ ) p@ P ![$\$ & p@ P ![$\$fstuQvxzNRfjx|&Lhnr h8H*h8CJaJh8B*aJph h85aJh86]aJ h8aJ h8aJ h8aJ$ h8aJPh85\] h86 h8] h85 h86]h8 h8aJ:LPT j #%.=?A "{}68ACQRT_a ɿɿ h8H*h,F h,F] hnr] h8] h86hnr h80Jh8B*]phh86B*]ph h8H* h85h8H"# "#z{,-R7$8$H$ ]  #9:GHVWcdqsK]`bcd鶩h85CJOJQJaJh80J5CJOJQJaJh86CJOJQJaJh8CJOJQJaJ h80J h80J5 h85\ hw6 h85 h86h,Fh8 h85] h8] h86]7dfhqz#%,()+4679DFGISUVX^`abkmnoxzXih,Fh{h86 h8H* h,F\ h8\ h80J h85 h80J5 h86h8h8CJOJQJaJh80JCJOJQJaJB %569;=@IKQRSWX!"FHʿʸʲʲ񲬦 h,F0Jh{h{0J hb0J h{0J h+W0J hlg0J hlg0J6hnr hlghlghlg h80J h(0Jh(h(0J5h( h86h,Fh8h86CJ]aJ7RS`a79#$F 7$8$H$gd( 7$8$H$gdX 7$8$H$gd9 7$8$H$gd+W 7$8$H$gdlg7$8$H$ Z]fhsu h90Jh9h+W0J5 h90J6 hw0J6h+Wh+W0Jh+W h+Wh+W hlg0J h+W0J h3\0Jh{h{0J5h{h{0J6 h{6 hw6h{h{0J h{0J h,F0J hnr0J3).NSVbcnps{ *+,-?AB»߱ӫhXhX5hX hX6 h70JhXhX0J hX0Jh9h90J5 h90J6h9h90J6 hw0J6 hnr0J h,F0Jh9h90J hb0J hlg0J h+W0J h90J3BEFHJKY]_`adgh !#$'.04679<滴榢h+h7h(hbhlgh8h(hX0J5 hA0J6 h(0J6 hnr0J h(0J h70J h)'0J hlg0J h90JhXhX0J hX0JhXhX0J59 !"#$260789:<@kwxŽŽŽŽŹh!GhAhAH*hAhAhZ6 hb6hbhZhAhZ5 hZ6 h+6hnrh+h7h(I  %')EFVv!WZ25:MZ[`rth.Lh.L\ h.L\ h.Lh.Lh7hbhA6h.LhnrhAhAH*hbhZhAhA5 hb6hAhA6h!GhACpq  dd[$\$gdX gd]8 7$8$H$gdt'S 7$8$H$gdxh 7$8$H$gd.L 7$8$H$gd( !"(),/8:DFITVWbejqrsw "#$*񾶬񬾶 h.Lhw h.Lhnr hw\ h.L\h.Lh.LH*\h.Lh.L\ hb\ h.Lhxhh.Lh.L5h.Lh.L6hnrh7h.Lh.LCJaJh!G h.Lh.Lhwh.L:*8CEUXqrwx  %9@CDFOQR˻˳˪˦ˢ˘ت˪ˢh.Lhxh0J5h!Ghbh.Lhxh0Jh.Lhxh5h.Lhxh6hwh.L h.Lhxh h.L0Jh.Lhxh0Jh.Lh.L5\h.Lh.L6\hnr h.Lh.LhzH* h>hz h>h h>h=k5h>h=k6h>h=kH* h>h=k h>hx, h>hCh>h05h>h06 h>hYh>h0H* h>h0 h0h0h0h]8hx,hChk h.Lhk.   #*07<EMZpqtwy"+.:PRTWghiqrstwx{| >⼵ڠõÐÐÐÐÈh>hC6h>hCH*h>h5t5 h>h5t h>h"?I h>h8U h>hx, h>h8X h>hCh>hY5h>hY6h>h5t6 h>hY h>hz h>h h>hx,H*2iSWQ   e    auv\=uuv dd[$\$gdP dd[$\$gdQgdm dd[$\$gdX >AQRXY)9;>UVWNfgiTY[_befghj ! 5 6 8 P Q U W ⹵yuhQ hQhQ h]Sh( hm5hmhmCJaJ hmhmhmh( hm6 h]S5 h]S6h]Sh> h>h8Xh>hk5h>hk6 h>hk h>hd h>h> h>hx, h>hCh>hC5.W              < N P S d e      e         T f g j q {   4GK`aeBCh4yhS h.,L5 h.,L6h.,Lh6(h\ hQ5 hQ6hQh*h) p hd5 hd6hn[ihd hME5 hME6hME hP5 hP6hPhUg- hU5hUhWd h 5 h 6h 2CUVYtuE\^avzSjloŒȒʒ˒̒͒Obdf)CEH ͽ͵ͽ͵ͱhh4yH*hh4yh4y5h4yh4y6h4yh4yH*h4yhehe5hehe6heheH*he h {5 h {6hOm>Uheh {H*h {h.,L hS 5hS hS 66Q. 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